Read that somewhere. A warrior's greeting. "Well, it's another day, and we're still here."
Not quite war at the information centre, but yesterday was mammoth! All very busy with the Little Student People whose parents, we reckon, have chivvied them into getting an appointment with an adviser, "as
soon as you get back. Oh, do promise, darling. This is your future we're talking about."
I managed to totally arse up booking some of them. Not irretrievably, but I was quite irritated at myself. It's not hard to do, after all.
Haven't been by Princes Street since Sunday but I reckon this lot are gone now. (Sorry quality isn't the best - not got original on the old memory stick, so this is downloaded from my kodak gallery.)
It needs cropping, too, to take out the fence, but I haven't properly settled down with Photoshop yet.
And we continue with showing off our Lakes photies, which we do have onna stick. Actually, just noticed I put the same one up twice. Muppet me, but it is my favourite (the one with the big cloud?).
It was Bloody Windy when I took this one, as you might be able to tell from the ripples on the water. We got lucky with the weather, really, as the day we wanted to go out for a 'proper' walk was the one day we got sunshine and calm weather. I even remembered to take proper boots, which didn't exactly match my outfit on Hogmanay, but hey ho - can't have everything.
I've joined Napster. Partly unintentionally, as I only intended to use the free offer I had which gave me a week's subscription and ten free download tracks. Inevitably, though, I took my eye off the ball and didn't cancel in time to dodge the first payment, so I now have a full month to enjoy it, costing me £9.95. I'm not sure - might keep it as it's not a bad service, as such. Some might think it crazy paying nearly a tenner for the right to hold (but not save) music on 'your' napster, which is available on your computer when you're off as well as online. As soon as I stop paying subscription, all the downloaded (and unpaid for - you can pay another £1 or so per track to burn them or save them to your computer) tracks disappear from your library.
Still, it does mean I can download and listen to new music every single night and I'm casting my mind back to Sixth Year Studies English. During that period, I was an obsessive singles tape maker. It's a pleasant way to take a very short break from your reading or writing (mostly writing now, in my case) for a half a minute, refresh your head.
Anyway - got a month to decide whether or not I'm getting my ten pounds worth of entertainment out of it!
It was Guantanamo Bay's fifth birthday yesterday.
'nuff said.
Again, the guy with the ears is Satan.
Have a good one,