Tuesday, January 30, 2007

This should be easy

The moving, I mean. I packed up all my books last night, disassembled the bookcases and cleared out all the junk from underneath my bed. That all done, I had a glance round the flat and apart from my CDs and DVDs, neither of which are massive collections, there's not a lot else to pack except clothes.

OK, there's a lot of those, but they're hardly what you'd call heavy. Reckon the stuff-cull I did when I moved in must have been more severe than I thought.

This evening, I am going to iron the clothes I'll need between now and moving day and then pack the rest. After that, all I'll need to do is have a go at the kitchen cupboards, pack what's mine, take out one of each item for use between then and moving day and leave the rest where they are.

What? Why, yes, I have done this before. (I've even got the boxes I used in the last move, compacted, tied up with string and stored in cupboard.)

So - yay! Packing should be a doddle and, gods willing, so should the move.


Fat Squirrel!
Quote of the Day - James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."
Lady who looks out on the corner of Spittal Street and Castle Terrace.
Have a good one,


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