Saturday, May 29, 2010

Utter procrastination

Woot! To quote a certain film: "I got the part! I'm going to play Puck! I'm going to play Puck!"

Many things will lead from this. First one is complete and utter glee. It's right up there on my list of 'things to do while alive' (I don't do 'before I'm dead' - so dreary a way to look at it. So a Big Tick in the life column. Also - getting fit. Has been a goal for quite some time now, mostly in my head, but I'm told the costume is being designed to a factor of skimpy, so the love handles need sorting. Towards this, I'm started *shudder* focussed exercise. There's some good sites - (etc - sit-ups, squats, chin-ups). You do as many as you can then it gives you a programme to build from there.

The utter procrastination comes from the fact that I've just completed todays push-ups and squats and I am a bit bushed for now doing the hoovering. So blogging. Blogging becomes important.

I'm also planning to dye my hair green. :D But not for a while.


I have once again been playing with fire.

Oh. Hell. Yeah.

Definitely go team on that lot, though. Came a Liz, and a Kim, and a Rich, and an Ivan, and a Sonja, and a Helen. All of whom are simply the best minions money couldn't buy.

Did I say minions? *insert preferred term here*


The OU is going to well. Not a great deal to talk about. I'm reading chapters, and sitting quizes and getting through them grand. Even if it is only multiple choice...


Semper superne nitens,



Blogger Unknown said...

I LOVE that 'fire' photo.


2:42 pm  

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