Monday, January 08, 2007

Ok, everybody...

...back on their heads.


Well, back to work today and quite happy to be. I'm going to apologise once more for being so non-blogging over the festive season (especially as so many of you were still checking in!), but I was on holiday and a well deserved one at that. Last year was great for so many reasons, but it was definitely a long year too so I decided to cuddle my time off. It was very relaxing, festive fun was had but I'm officially back in the game as of today.

You know what's brilliant about today? It's my first day back at work since the 22nd December and how many emails did I have to check this morning?


That's right. You heard me. THREE!

*dances* I love my jooooooooooob!


Trip down to the Lakes was excellent fun. Eating, drinking, making merry and, as you can see, taking photos.

I'm getting seriously boy-with-toy about the camera now. Any day in which I do not take photographs is a wasted one. I've started using kodakgallery instead of flickr (doesn't cost and no upload limits) so if any one wants to see the set, drop me a mail and I'll invite you to the folder.


I seem to be obsessed with trees, but it's very hard not to be. Such photogenic items and they're everywhere. "Ooh - that's a good tree" seems to be my stock phrase of the moment.

And no, I don't hug them, as a rule.


It seems like everybody is back to work today. Even the webcomics which have been on hiatus. I wonder if they affect the economy too? Can't instantly find a link, but there was a big furore (in the press, though, so let's not pay too much attention) about the number of small and medium size businesses which took holidays right up until today. It seems we, the UK, won't be able to compete in the global markets if we choose to have time off. Silly us.


People just don't think ahead. I mean, consider cyborg technology.


I'm headed towards Ultimate Grown-Up status. Going to see about a mortgage this week. Eep!


Have a good one,



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