Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lookit me!

All alive and sh*t.

Howdy. How y'all been?

Life progresses. The high points - bucking for promotion at work; lovely friends remain lovely; primary passion remain the 'tography. I done a portfolio; still no fella, but I'm accepting applications *grins*; family remains family.


Stumbling is pretty damn cool, have to say. (each and every one its own wee link. check 'dem.)


Nearly headed out to take some photos. The weather reports keeps saying 'vile for the weekend' and lo - there is decent weather. I figure some randon fluctuation of the space-time continuum is trying to tell me something. And, as noted above, I don't need much prodding to go take photos. Finding it very relaxing.


Radio2 also playing large part at the moment. In re-jigging the flat, I moved the telly too far away from the cable. Obvious solution was going to get a longer cable, but I delayed and delayed and realised anything I actually want to watch is on one of the catch-ups. It's not like I'm creating new worlds or a radical solution to the energy crisis in the time this has freed up. Reading and the radio seems ever so slightly better than endless episodes of Two and a Half Men, though.


...yikes. Looks like I spoke too soon. Great deal of cloud coming in.


semper superne nitens,



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