Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Life is good

I have food!

LATE lunch. And I mean *late*. It's three o clock, for gods' sakes. I had training this morning, and into the afternoon, then had to cover reception lunch which I was tardy for as I was doing first aider things (my first ill person). So, now I eat.


I'm going to stop complaining about Patsy the Cat making noise in the morning.

The letting agents have started viewing my flat, so I had to send Miss off to lodge with my folks until a new tenant is found(poor fool, whoever it is). I have a small inkling of what parents sending their child off to boarding school must feel like. You'd think she was headed for a concentration camp the way she cowered into my chest. Anyway, this morning I rather heartily missed her yowling self, so I'll stop complaining when I get her back.

(And we all know that's a bare faced lie, yes? She'll be an an irritating little tick again about half an hour after she arrives.)


Once again - not a tree.


Have a good one,



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