Muppetry and Grand Achievements
And the skyline of the city centre looked wicked good too.
The whole lot - well, not the whole lot (I got a bit snap happy) - are up on my photostream. I must figure out how to put Flickr on the blog template. They obviously look better in the 'large' format, but the slideshow's nae bad.
I was a Good Boy on Sunday and went down to Prestonpans to sort out my Gran's garden. Mum had already dead-headed and cut back a lot of stuff when I got there, so I was mostly bagging and then cutting back the short stuff that she couldn't bend for.
I did find this fella on a bush. I thought him cool.
'specially in Extreme Close-Up.
Then up to B&Q where I bought the MDF and blackboard paint I'd been hankering for. Actually, no I didn't. B&Q had sold out, so I got them in Wickes. Which didn't have the magnetic paint, so it's just plain old blackboard.
Wasn't all that terribly sociable at the weekend, which is kind of the ongoing plan. I don't intend to entirely hermit-ise myself (mainly because I'd go crazy in my own company - it's happened before) but I do need to spend more time Doing Stuff. Hung out with SteveO and Mikey on Friday night, after I'd been up the Crags, so didn't get there until ten or so and back home by midnight. Flying visit.
Sat night I stayed in. Sunday I went out for breakfast with Gregor and Caroline who very grown-up-edly just bought a hoose. Quick breakfast as they had a six hour drive followed by van unloading to do. Very nice to see them, though, as they're so terribly far away now.
Still loving the Stumbleupon. Seriously - go have a look. Two button pushes and you're looking at something Way Cool. I can see that site being both a brilliant source of inspiration and a brilliant drain on my time. :) :(
This week - paint MDF to blackboard, FINALLY hang mirror (as blackboards are going where it currently stands), sort out cupboard in hall, file magazines, draw up some plans for cupboard in hall, finish off that plasticine animal I'm making, LEARN LINES for Scene 3.
Aaaand...that'll probably do it, eh? Friday will be here before blinking!
Stick in,