Friday, April 13, 2007

Big Up Your Bad Self

Now that's my kind of self-actualisation, baby!


I call it 'getting my Reynolds on'. Those of you who have met my family will understand.

Late night last night as I was organising the remainder (MA-NY!) of the skater photos. I was starting to get confused about which were done, which needed to be done, which had been labelled, which had been done but had scope for more being done to get the picture. But, after an hour and a half of labelling and moving folders (and a whiskey and coke) all is ready to be 'shopped. Or picked out as a single.
This weekend - I is chillin'. I reckon. I've been so very busy of late that I think I'm due a couple of days to my own self. Not to say I won't go out, do things, but I intend for them to be on an ad hoc basis. I may even turn my phone off.
Once again, you must admit, that the man has a point.
Stick in,


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