Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I got the internets! Some new lovely person is allowing me to access their unsecured wireless network. We send them all of our happy thoughts.

Check me and my mad photoshop skillz. (You know - cutting and pasting)


I'm on holiday, you know. Holidays are pleasant. I have been achieving great things and tomorrow, I am buying myself a present.


On the topic of photos - small story. I was walking past the new building they're constructing in Bristo Square and I glanced up, as I do, and resolved to bring the tripod out so I could take some proper photos of the shadow play and suchlike in the building. Just a minute later I ran into a chap who had done just that. He was taking a photo of the mosque, though. Still, I thought that was cool. Had a small 'kindred' moment to myself.


300 is very good. Oh, yes. Very good indeed. If you accept its inherent limitations that it's going to be a tiny bit reminiscent of LOTR or something similar. Battle scenes are wicked good. Dude kills a rhino.

It really, strongly delivered on the beauty aspect. And I don't just mean the big muscles on the men in loincloths. Not just them, but definitely them too.

Scott Monument today.

I'd never been up there, you know. One of those tourist things one never gets around to. So I did. Got a certificate and everything.
Stick in,


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