Sunday, February 25, 2007

Weekend Blethers

A rarity. Normally I confine my random ramblings to the weekday. :)

Howson exhibit was extremely good. The two main pieces were astonishing. I could have quite happily stood and looked at just those two for an hour. The smaller studies for all those crowd members and such were incredible, too. Two in particular which were crayon on black paper were shocking in the detail he managed. From crayon!

It is a good job it was so good, considering my hangover from Friday night. Once again, Opium then the Citrus club was great fun. I swear I'm associating with alcoholics. OK, yes, I did buy the last round and did feel the need to include Apple Sours in amongst that but I was already Very Drunk by that point. And who's fault was that? Surely you don't expect me to admit responsiblity for my own behaviour, now, do you? *grins*

Bloody shame, the hangover, as the father parental unit bought us a very nice lunch in Eco Vino before the exhibit and I barely managed to pick through it. I did polish off a couple of litres of fizzy water, though.


Feeling his pain. Hell, just expressing like can be paralysing!


I won a game of chess! Woop!

I am getting my arse quite habitually kicked at the moment in the online games, so playing Steve the other night in person and all at once was a huge cheery up. Clearly, I do not suck that badly and it's the one move a day thing that my playing style doesn't match. That's the problem.

Nah, seriously - you try keeping three different game models in your head for a month. See how well you get on!


Theatre tonight, in somewhat eclectic company. Mum, Aunt Katie, the small Jen and Alexis. Surrounded by women! And a busy week ahead, as per the usual. Mum's birthday tea, and I'm going to the flicks which I'm really looking forward to. No rehearsal, but I didn't make it down to visit Gran last week as I was working late so I absolutely must get down to visit her.

And then it'll be the weekend again. Time does fly.


Lack of pics recently as the weather has been dismal and, when it's been super nice, I've been too busy to get out and snap. Remedying this soon!

Oh - and I gave in to impulse and dyed my hair. On the red!


Stick in,



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