Friday, February 23, 2007

Time flies...

Even when you're not having fun, it seems. Been a bit of a dull week at work, but it is Friday already - where has the time gone?

Even though this week of updating hasn't been the most thrilling there are always one or two gems. Like this, from British Aerospace, the 'premier global defence and aerospace company'. Their products will allow you to defend the Hell out of anything or anyone, but look - they're minimising the environmental impact:

"Land Systems 5.56mm High Performance ammunition achieves these improvements using a lead free bullet, thus reducing the environmental impact during manufacture and training."

Does this strike any one else as crazy? "Sure, kill (sorry 'defend') a whole lot of people, but let's watch out for the trees while you're there." If you look at it from one side, it's admirable, I suppose, but I mean Come ON!

I rather expect the weekend is going to fly in, too. Heading out tonight for Friday things with Friday people. (Can't say or write that without hearing the League of Gentleman say it, too.) Lunch with the folks tomorrow and then going to the Howson exhibit. Theatre on Sunday night to see strangers, babies at the Traverse.
Need to try and find some time in there to put up mirror and attach base of sofa, which I still haven't managed. It does continue comfy as Hell, though, and the cat seems minded to keep off it when I'm not there.
Stick in,


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