Thursday, February 15, 2007

Aye, but it's yer ane dirt...

Points for getting the reference.

I am having baths. No shower in NewPad. There is a shower attachment so I could be having a shower, but I actually like baths in the morning. It makes it a helluva easier to get out of cosy bed if you know it's to sink into lovely hot bath. There's so much time to lounge in it, too, if I can convince myself out of my pit any time before 8 am. I got up at 8.20 this morning - still made it into work on time with no stress, strain or exertion. Living five minutes walk from work is such bliss!

This weekend, though - exercise. Having lost my half an hour brisk walk to and from flat could very well end up in dire consequences for my waist line! We'll hope for decent weather (forecast is cold and cloud) and then I'll charge up Arthur's Seat. Not been up since I got new camera - panoramic pics, methinks.


Woop! Judge rejects nuclear power (says bbc news).


Don't nobody visit Nigeria.


I could go on and on with links like those above. One of the lovely things about my job is that I get to read newspapers, journals, websites and such as part of it. I'm supposed to read widely, keep up with internal affairs and just generally be informed. (In-for-mation officer, you see). Some days, though, it can be quite depressing. It seems like the world is continually going to Hell in a handbasket. I do realise that good news is rarely reported, but still. It's very easy to live in a wee bubble. Maybe I'll go hide in mine...


Having said that, here's another three clicks to make you an activist. And I've already done the reading through and checking it's not too whiny-assed liberal so you needn't if you're feeling lazy.



Stick in,


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