Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's only since the 14th Century, you know

Since we've had Valentine's day in its current form. He patronises plague as well as young lovers, you know. Yes - you heard me. PLAGUE! Gives a whole new meaning to 'love to you bits'.*

(And, unsurprisingly, greeting card manufacturors. And that's not me being cynical - it says so in the Patron Saints Index.)

Anyway, regardless of Hallmark, a happy Valentine's Day to y'all. Much love. :)


This is a dinky little toy. A website which will make your photo, any photo, up into poster size for you by splitting it into lots of A4 pdfs. It's free and, if you're not looking for uber-quality, then it's quite cool. I thought you could also, if you were the patient type, space them 0ut a bit - making a virtue out of necessity in that it's not printed on one bit of pape. Or muddle them. Could look quite cool - dependent on the aforementioned patience. I tend to not have enough to caaarefully fit all the bits together properly.

I'll let you know how I get on the next time I'm alone with the colour printer.


The new pad is even more together than it was. I emptied out all the remaining boxes, chucked some stuff away and hung some paintings. Living room is looking and feeling very comfy. Can't wait for sofa to arrive and then it'll be complete!

And, much as I regret losing the uber-full-length of it, I think I'm going to take a suggestion and put my massive mirror on the wall horizontally. That'll put it between the two windows and really open the room out. I will then site my less big but still sizeable mirror halfway up a wall so that I can still check if my shoes match my hair. :P


Had some fun with my macros lens last night. Which is the same lens as I usually have but with different settings. Anyway, not got pics just now, I'll upload them this evening.

***update - here they are***


Stick in,


*'love you to bits' witticism nicked from Sue.

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