Saturday, February 10, 2007

Smelling of roses

Once again. I have achieved New Hoose.

Thank you to those who did the helping - it was very helpful. :) You now have one Gold Edition ChrisFavour to cash in as and when you please. Not that you didn't have before, anyway, but...

As you can see, there are still boxes of books kicking about and I still have an underbed drawer to put together but other than that, things are pretty much done. Must wait for sofa to be delivered, unfortunately. Weeks, I tells ya!

Windows, though. And central heating. And quiiiiiiiet. Blissful lack of noise. Woop! So I'm actually getting to use this. My new bed. Cool, innit? It is very nearly a 'me' wide.

Also with the smell of roses is the free internet here too! Had a look yesterday and there was nothing, but I turned the laptop on today and it connected to the linksys automatically. Thank you, o Gods of Karma and, of course, people who don't secure their wireless network.

Patsy the cat seems pleased with her new abode - noisily so. Bloody animal never shuts the Hell up.


Went out last night, which was a total laugh. Much drunken bouncing around on dance floor which was I believe the entire plan. What with the extreme poverty of me (Patrick has a photo of all my worldly wealth - a very small pile of 5 pences - and a Jack Daniels and Coke) I now owe the evening's celebrants some serious pay back booze. What goes around comes around...

Proof that my bed is uber-long, though. I was very mazed (all right, pished) when I got in last night, stripped and fell into bed. Discovered that I'd dumped my clothes at bottom of bed this morning. Did my feet encounter these clothes during night? They did not - that's how long my bed is. *grins*


I am having my first guest round tonight. The small Jen (word to ya!) is coming round for tea and DVD. Little Miss Sunshine, which I'm heartily looking forward to. Suppose I better go do dishes, get food in, that style of thing.




Have a good one,


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! It already looks 'hoosie'!

3:36 pm  
Blogger Chris said...

Due in large part to my folks and Patrick who did sterling work in the putting away and together arenas. :) The chest of drawers and under-bed drawer are all my own work, though!

3:49 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The chest of drawers and under-bed drawer are all my own work, though!"

That, plus the clothes on the floor in front on bathroom I suppose?

Looks nice, lovely shade of bedroom wall.

5:34 pm  

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