Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Showing off

I'd just like to point out that I slept in this morning. Until half past eight. And I'm still managed to blog for a minute before I leave for work, which I will make it on time to.


Bet the Londoners are loving me right now.


to be continued sometime after 9 am...


So, last night - I found both my copy of Civ 4 (missing since the move) and, when I was restacking my CDs, the disc for Bounty Hunter fell out. I am excited. Maybe not this excited, but excited nonetheless. Of course, the Bounty Hunter disc is scratched to Hell and probably won't work, but still. I totally wondered where that had gotten to. So did, Steve. (Sorry about the scratched thing, Steve).


So, after yesterday's maudlin mithering, I owe it you.

The results of a deep trawl of funny. No, really. Click every For I saw them. And they are good.


The play on Sunday night was very good. Quite a difficult subject and it was dealt with in a very soft manner. Not that the edge was taken away from it. The whole premise of the play is a single event, which happened in the main character's life, having a knock on effect on her relationship with each of five different men. Her husband, her father, an internet date, her brother and a health visitor (do you still call them that?). The event was horrific, but it was quite far in the past when we join the story-so-far. It was obvious something crazy had one on, but it was a very slow reveal.

The lighting and sound, set and so on were also very good. A lot of work with light - both stage an within bits and pieces of the set. One very nice touch was that the lead woman never left the stage and, as each male left (they got one scene each) he, and the incoming male for the next scene, helped to dress the female for her next scene. Nice demonstration of the influence each has no her.


Work have asked me to take some photos. Yay! There's a photoboard (quite a good one, which is unusal for these things) of all the staff in reception and it needs updating. And why pay a photographer when you have Keen Boy Chris to do them.

That said, I haven't taken many portrait type photies. I need a guinea pig.


Stick in,



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