Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Would have thought...

...I'd be boring you by now, but you're all still there according to the site counter. Don't you have any work to do? I know I do. *laughter*

I'm actually having fun at work this week. Writing some publications, which is always good. Five to ten minute discussions on whether to use the term 'sometimes' or 'often'. And does one always capitalise in this particular context?

Capitals are the bane of my feckin' life, ah'm tellin' ye.




Not a lot happening on the flat front. Same three unfurnished one bedroomed flats in Leith. I don't want to live in Leith. I like the area I'm in now. It's so convenient for eve-r-y-thing. Hey ho, stay optimistic. A gem will appear.


Writing, it seems, is progressing, though in small. THE BOOK carries on. (What? It's in big bloody capitals in my head. I'm actually a little scared of calling it that out loud, in case the characters get scared and run away. They all signed up for short stories.)


Ratiocination - the process of reasoning.


Stick in,



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