Monday, July 02, 2007

...and we're back!

Yes, I know. Skiver boy. But my thiev-ed internet is blip-blip-blipping. I can just about check email, but by the time I've written a reply, internet is gone and I can neither send nor save the draft. Obviously no point in finally sorting out my own t'internet as I'm moving in a month.

So, sorry if I seem to be sitting on anyone's correspondence. Should catch up now I can log in back at work.


It was a laaaazy week. Got up to not much at all - unless you count nearly completing Final Fantasy X. Which I do. And Hell with it, I just finished a play performance, didn't I? I'm allowed some slack time, he said - to himself. Small shrieking monstrous goblin, who I may make a model of, "Lazy! Sitting on your arse! Ever going to get anything done, are you?"

Thankfully, although I may not be able to turn the irritating little blighter to mute, I can give him a right good ding round the earhole. Do. Be. Quiet.

I didn't even take any photographs. #pause for gasps of disbelief#. I did take a load of the other two parts of the Torchsong trilogy, which are up on the flickr stream. I also started poking around with Adobe SomethingOrOther that lets you make animations. And I read books, so it's not like I truly did nothing. One does require some downtime, after all.

OK, yes, I'll stop trying to convince myself.

I do feel pleasantly relaxed. Notice how I didn't throw the cat out of the window last night when I discovered she had p*ssed in my BED!


Bugger all on the flat market at the moment. Two or three that I don't want. Poop.


Stick in,



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