Friday, June 15, 2007


My entire being is focussed on 5pm when I can hit the couch and nap for an hour or so before rehearsal. Went out for a couple of drinks last night, after going down to Mum and Dad's to help fit kitchen together. Didn't get home until yon time and I am gagging - gagging, I say - on an early night. Not getting one tonight as I'm dodging along to some Friday Fun after rehearsal. Hamish is off to Canadia for a bit, so it behooves to drop by, dunnit? :)

But it's Saturn's Day tomorrow. Lie iiiiiiiin.


Check out the Big Art Mob. It's a Channel 4 initiative - a collective blogging effort which asks members of the public to send in photos of the public art they know and love straight from their mobile phones.

The culmination is a year away: a featured series on Channel 4 in which six (already picked) communities work with a high-profile artists to develop pieces for their own sites.


I am conflicted! I have some cash (sic the freelance work) and I cannot decide how to spend it. Which has made me think a bit about money and I realise that I never want to spend money. Never have. I don't necessarily mean I'm tight (stop laughing at the back, please) but even when I was little and being taken into 'town' to spend my birthday money, we'd always get to the end of the day before I could be persuaded (read harangued) into deciding what I wanted.

So, even though there are many pretty things I'd like, I'm going to hang onto the cash this time. Unless, of course, I decide to indulge myself beyond comparison and bugger off to Rome for a few days. Wouldn't that be nice...


Stick in,



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