Monday, June 18, 2007

Nearly there

Only three days until curtain. Rehearsal, rehearsal over weekend but I did take some downtime on Sunday just to chillaaaaax, man. Running lines like a MoFo this evening, proper rehearsal tomorrow, tech and dress Wednesday (yawn fest of standing around while people focus lights, but has to be done) and then performance Thursday.

Well chuffed with all the people who are going to pitch up and see it. Loads of folk coming from work, which is nice. So long as the play ends up any good, anyway. Which it will as Andy, Jenni and I are so GODDAMN TALENTED!

What? Look, you have to have an ego you could bounce bricks off to get out on stage in any kind of calm and relaxed fashion and I don't do catastrophe curve acting any more. It's too stressful. (That's where you go on and charge forth, hoping like Hell that nothing will go wrong.)


You'd think Jenni would be a better influence not five days before performance but on Saturday, when she and I were buzzing about town, I bought Final Fantasy X for the PS2. I've picked it up, fondly stroked cover and decided 'No. Too much time sucked away by that sort of thing.'

Only, you see, Jenni and I used to play FF back in the Old School days at Montpelier. So, she was all, "geddit geddit geddit!". So, I did. And played it for the entirety of Saturday night, with Jen, and a significant portion of Sunday all by myself.

It's awesome. :) And I did make myself clean the flat before turning it back on on Sunday, so am a Good Boy and was Allowed to play the computer.

I would have gotten X-2, as the more recent, but the entire cast is wimmin! Fit's 'at a' aboot?




I'm starting to jones on my camera. I haven't taken any proper pictures in ages and long. I'm not entirely sure when the last big set was. Could very well be London since I took the beast out for a proper walk. Eek.


Stick in,



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