Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tonight - cleaning!

And it requires the exclamation mark. I am going to clean that mofo to an inch of its skirting boards. I plan to do a reasonably lengthy animation on Saturday and, I have discovered the needing-the-place-to-be-clean thing isn't just procrastination. The cooking of awesome gourmet meals for one - that's procrastination.

When I was at Uni, I was known for my rallying cry of, "I can't do this essay. Not while the bathroom needs cleaning!". And the fact that I'd eat chicken dippers, chips and beans five nights out the week until I had an assignment due at which point only prawn kabobs (they're littler thank kebabs is why - also, the spelling is different), creamy chilli chicken with boiled, butter and herb basted new potatoes and rough cut salad. Followed by home baked chocolate cake. With icing.

Basically, anything to not start work on the essay. Only, it's odd. Now, when I'm working away at something fun, I'm quite happy to jam beans on toast down my neck and keep working. But I do find it hard to settle for a proper creative 'session' if the bathroom needs doing.

I wish to be creative at the weekend so, tonight - cleaning!


I hate exclamation marks. Semi-colons, contrary to some opinions, I have nothing against. In moderation. But I really hate exclamation marks. And multiple exclamation marks? Sign of a diseased mind. You might as well stick your pants on your head.


Never lasts.


Nihil obstat,



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