Friday, July 13, 2007


Yes, I know that isn't a word.

Brain = mince.

Seriously - it's like butterfly syndrome between my ears. Not in any unhappy way, I just can't settle on a thought, or an activity.

Except sleeping - sleeping I'm all about at the moment. Small naps.

I know why, you understand.

It's the moving thing. I am to be uplifted so cannot settle.

It's not stress. I'm not worried or harassed.

Know what I'm doing, confident I can do it.

I just feel a bit disjointed. Everything's already packed in my head, I don't feel like I want to start any projects. I had a vague thought towards putting together some kind of tray-meets-box to model in. Might still do that.

Anyways. Excitement also in head regarding possibilites that buying is opening up. Like an actual factual studio instead of some shelving chucked together in a rented flat. This would be cool.


Stick in,



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