Wednesday, July 11, 2007

People who 'hmmm' in meetings...

...ought to be f*cking shot. You know the ones - they want to be chairing and so they go in for excessive agreeing with things. It's grunt for "Oh, yes, I know about that. I do! Me! Me! ME!"


Much to do, much to do. Work just got busy, which is nice. I don't do well when there's not much on. I tend to dip entirely and do nothing. But when there's absolutely loads to do, I kick in and work twice as fast as usual.

Wonder what it's like to have middle gears?


Check the awesome grown-upness of me. Got an appointment with a mortgage adviser. Not that I haven't bought and sold before, but I was a student then, nineteen, and pretty much just signing what my folks told me to. It's looking good, though. I've done a bit of digging around and I think I can afford to buy a flat.

Crazy, eh?


Stick in,



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