Monday, July 16, 2007



Weather was pleasant for a kick-off. P*ssing it down now, of course, but hey-ho back to work anyway.


Went to Stills re-opening on Saturday with Ms Babb. Most entirely fun. We did workshops on pinhole cameras and on developing from film, both of which were fun and cool and interesting. So glad we went to the pinhole one as I was moderately fixated on going straight out and buying a film camera after the developing workshop. Happily, the pinhole diverted thoughts onto much cheaper lines.

Plus, I don't think Liz will need too much encouragement to purchase chemicals in which case...


Took my own photos, too. I did drop by Bristo Square a couple times over the weekend, but all the skaters were a bit little - under 16 - and what with the all embracing paranoid hysteria which seems to have gripped the country (someone told me about a photographer friend who had the police at his door for taking some snaps of some kids playing football) I thought best not.

So I did some indoors stuff, taking photos of my feet. And some glass. But not both together. They'll be going up onto Flickr a bit later - I forgot the CD.


Saw Harry Potter last night, which was great. Very good film, which cut out the bits of the book that JK should have in the first place. How indulgent can an editor be, I ask you?


Stick in,



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