Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It's all happening

Was down at my folks' place last night for dinner, for the first time in a couple of weeks. Catching them up with what's going on with moving out of rented pad, and the forms and applications for the mortgage and all that. Well. Made it all a bit real.

The buying thing is fine. Market looks OK - I might be being naive, but we'll wait and see. It's the staying in Port Seton again that's starting to look oh-so-very real. Still and all, turns out a train pass isn't excessively priced and the two mile cycle from station to house will be good for fitness levels. And, ideally, it's pretty much downhill on way home. Be a stone b*tch in the morning, though. Especially as I'll be setting off earlier than I currently get out of bed!

Eyes on the prize, Mr Reynolds. Eyes on the prize...


Got very bold yesterday. I put up nekkid pics on flickr, in an appropriately named set.


Weather just took a turn for the worse, which is rotten. It's been belting sunshine all day and I'll bet that the rain starts at - oh, no. Wait. It's raining now. OK - second part of bet is that it'll stay raining until I get home from rehearsal and don't need to go outside any more. At least it's a pleasant excuse to get bus down from King's Buildings rather than walk.


Nihil obstat,



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