Wednesday, March 21, 2007


The week has landed. Not bad going, actually, considering it's only Wednesday and everything I wanted to pin down has been. I even have some free time at the weekend, but the RSA and the National Gallery both have free exhibits on at the moment, so I'll probably fill some of that with those. (Free being the key point as I am so very nearly broke! Pay day next Wednesday.)

The trouble with Wikipedia.


Finished the photographs at work today. Colleague Steve was kind enough to push the button a few times on my ugly mug. There was a lot of reflection on my glasses from the windows behind camera - hence the lack of specs.

And I slept in this morning. Hence the lack of a proper shave. :)

God, look at the luggage under those eyes! *scrabbles for retinox-g (or some such pish)*


I used to have a SuperSoaker. And look how useful they are!


I just found Wikipedia Commons. It is cool.


I have resolved to go to next year's UK Web Comics Thing. Mostly because John Allison will most likely be there. LOVE that guy. Plus, I love that they call it a 'thing'.

This year's just happened and had a brilliant bill of exhibitors (the Bunny was there). I would have loved to have gone but didn't get my sh*t together in time. Next year - for definite.


Stick in,



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