Thursday, March 29, 2007

Demob Happy

Only one day of work left and then I am on hooooliday! Hurrah!

That said, it's been a very pleasant day at work. Finished the first draft of a publication on how to research and plan your career (I know - look who's talking!) and had a couple of really satisfying enquiries. It's absolutely dead just now which, on the one hand, is deathly dull for my likes-running-round-with-his-head-on-fire self, but on the other lets me really take time to get into those individual enquiries I do get.

One (extremely well organised) first year who is dithering about changing courses and wants to make sure her choice will result in open career paths at the end. (Wish I'd thought of that.) And one postgrad student who isn't sure whether he's going for a PhD or into the workplace.

Books, books, books!

Well, if it chucks it down with rain all next week (please no!) then I am, at least, prepared. I went crazy with a Waterstone's three for two and got myself some fat books. One about a Roman courtesan who flees to Venice after the sacking of Rome, one about Helen of Troy and one by the author of 'The Ring' (yon scary-lady who climbs out the telly) about a virtual model of evolution which causes a cancer epidemic in real life. Or something.



Whoops - forgot I hadn't finished / published this. So it's late and short. :(


Stick in,



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