Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Upgrade Status

From man-'flu to to lurgy, I think. Honestly, I get karma like bitch-slapped whiplash. "I never get ill, me. Couldn't tell you the last time I was ill." Less than a week later - on my back. And not in any pleasant way, either.

Still, feeling better now. Better enough to make it to the ballet tonight, which to be honest, was my only real concern. Although I still maintain vague guilt at being off sick there's nothing with any urgency going on at work just now. In fact, it's feckin' quiet. Which does nothing for me. I like running around with my head on fire and there's nothing incendiary at all about the careers service. Well. I was complaining about all the pressure in the last job.
Wonder if I'll ever be content?

Well, Hell, who wants to be content? Content is boring.



Some good news on the work front, though. I'm definitely taking some photos for the staff board. OK, not the most exciting of things, but it's photos for practical use. Enthusiasm might be a bit of a dirty word at work, but there's something to be said for it.



Definitely a new interest sparked in the modelling. I've got some wire ordered to make armatures with. You can buy fancypants ones - either ready made or in bits, but I think that's the next step.

Plus - I need to buy a blowtorch! What? It's to melt clay onto the joints of puppet. I need it. Plus, I can double that expense up with wanting a blowtorch to make creme brulee with. I mean, I'm not buying a drill. I can borrow one of those. (for twisting the wire - duh!)



Can someone please explain to me why Blogger puts a triple carriage return in for every one I have as soon as I start uploading photos? Fecking irritating, is that.


Stick in,



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