Monday, March 12, 2007

Linksys - Noooooooooo!

Godsbedamned whoever they are that were silly enough to leave their wireless network unsecured have only gone and secured it! Thankfully, A N Other network (name of Zoom! - which I thought was cool. Better than the other ten BTHomeHub1234 anyway) has opened up but it is slooooooow. Either that or my laptop is having one of its cranky days. Either way, uploading photos is taking freaking forever.


I was at a training day on the audio visual sector in Scotland on Friday (hence the lack of blog). It was excellent, both for my work-work (you know, my regular job-job type job) and for my home-work (where I try to convince myself I'll one day make an artistic and / or commercial dent).

Some of the speakers were really quite intimidatingly accomplished. The director of BAFTA Scotland and the Business Development Manager for the company who does all the Harry Potter effects to name just a couple. Some short talks in the morning - one of which on Labour Market Information (and I bloody will remember that acronym) was hugely interesting and provided some excellent sources of information - we did 'speed networking'. Which sounded like Hell, but wasn't.

The Impressive People, who were uniformly enthusiastic and communicative, came round our break out groups in twos to answer questions. So it wasn't what I envisaged, "Hi, I'm Chris, I'm an information officer with the University of Edinburgh. I'd like to get blahdeblah out of the day."

Somewhat unsurprisingly, the answer to every question was 'networking, networking, networking'. Bow, scrape, and then bow again. Be ever so grateful for every opportunity to make tea. With the industry being so competitive, the recruiting policies will never change, but I do wonder about all the genius creative people who never get a chance because they can't shove their faces in other people's at every opportunity. All praise to those who can - it's a skill - but, like I say, shame it's the only route in.


The weekend was Evie's blessing, which was lovely. Reference the aforementioned shitty 'net connection for photos, but I'll get some up soon. She remains adorable.

The hotel that Tom and Paula put me up in was very shiny. Just refurbished and newly designed with a shockingly comfortable bed and a shower that was like being pleasantly hit by hot nails. I even had a wee balcony (overlooking the allotments).

Wine was good, too. :)


It might be termed offensive, but it's still funny.


Bless him. One can never know.


I'm a bit thrawn on which gym to join. On the one hand, there's the Pleasance, which has a pool and is five minutes walk down the road. And is cheap. £118 a year.

On the other, there's the Crags Sportscentre, which is at the back of my flat, doesn't have a pool and is likewise cheap at £18 a month.

I know I'm far more likely to go to the gym if it's convenient. Weirdly - I went to the gym four times a week, easy job, when it was over the road. Then I moved ten minutes walk up the road and never went again. Plus, you've got the spreading of cost argument. It's £118 a year for Pleasance, but you have to pay that all at once. Also, it's full of hyper-fit twenty year old sports team member students. Quite happy to look at them in their shorts, you understand, but running along on a treadmill right next to them...


Stick in,



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