Thursday, March 15, 2007

Karmic Balance Sheet

Wouldn't they be a nice idea?

I mentioned to Steve that my faith in humanity had a bit of a push the other day. I forgot to update my address with LoveFilm and a DVD went to my old flat. I was rather expecting it to be treated as a toy surprise, but the lovely new tenants posted it back for me. Now, wasn't that nice of them? I wished them pleasant karma and Steve asked if that would be a small, medium or large portion? This got me thinking and I thought how good it would be if you actually got to see a chart - or even a spreadsheet - of your karma. Something like what's used to track flexi-time. That way, instead of saving hours for a day off, you could save up positive thoughts and deeds in order to perpetrate EVIL!!! Or stupidity. That's usually when I get a karmic slap upside the head, rather than being nasty in any way.


Pleasant evening last night. Patrick introduced me to Jeffrey. Funny film and useful for the old accent for upcoming play. Also - Patrick Stewart as you have never seen him before.

Upcoming play is a small concern at the moment. Other fella Andy who's playing opposite me (although given the relative size of our parts (yes, very funny) one would really say I'm playing opposite him) is missing another rehearsal. Given the TinySmall amount of rehearsal time we have, I'm a bit worried. Don't want my first board treading, what I have told people about and who tell me they're coming to see, to be a criminally underrehearsed botch-job.

I mean, obviously, it won't be a problem for me. I'm gifted. I worry about him, though. *laughter*


I'm tempted by the new Lyceum production, Monks.

Three Glaswegians arrive on an Italian mountain, seeking out a Monk with healing powers so that one of them can be freed from a terrible past. The Monk has a self-imposed ball and chain and is rebuilding a chapel. But why?

Which sounds funny and insightful at the same time. I've got an offer from DADA for this Friday's production - tenner a ticket - but wonder if hanging on a bit and seeing if I get a better offer from Artsworkers bulletin is a good idea. They generally have fiver deals for most of Lyceum's productions. Plus, I want to go to Stills, who are having a big sale, on Saturday. And the Pixar exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland on Sunday. So waiting for later in the run for Monks is probably a good idea.


Having lunch with the ladies I used to work with at the Management School today. Which is cool in and of itself, but I'm also going to pick their brains on whether or not there is still funding avaialble for Uni of Edin staff to do the part-time MBA. For free. Which I'm considering.


Photos should be up and running again next week. I'm going to drop by Black Medicine prior to the Pixar exhibit on Sunday and upload a shitload to Flickr and Photobucket. Happily Blogger will insert photos from a URL address.


Stick in,



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