Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Blog Block

Oh, dear. Nothing's striking me as interesting.

I'm sure there was something earlier, but I can't think of it now.

Something to do with assumptions.

Well, there you go. I assumed I'd remember. Point made, I feel.

Slightly annoyed I didn't think of this comic when I was saying how great Hot Fuzz was. Funny at any time, obviously, but I do so like them topical.


The journal is back in use. For a while, this malarkey replaced it, but I've realised I'm missing things off and out because they're not complete thoughts. Or because they're more private - not necessarily something I want to share with the world. And, yes, I know - one wonders what I consider complete and private considering the nonsense I babble and the stuff I am willing to put up for all to see. I've told you before, though - nothing I wouldn't want my boss or my mother to see.

It's a good place to plan, as well. I couldn't possibly do my job-job without to do lists so why I think I can create in my spare time without any kind of forward planning, I don't know.

I'm liking the journal. It's a chance to babble purely to myself. No-one EVER gets to see. Plus, since my brother and sister-in-law bought me such a pretty one, it's a very tactile and physical experience. Unwrapping the laces, smoothing out the butter-like paper. And I bought myself a really good pen. Which no doubt I'll lose in a week, but it's making a difference too. For the moment.


Once again, put the word 'hooker' in something and it's automatically funny.

If you actually call someone a hooker it's automatically hilarious.


Still no photos. Need to buy memory stick to bring photos into work and upload from there. Or, you know, start paying for my internet. As has been suggested. :P


Stick in,



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