Tuesday, February 06, 2007

So close!

Only two more sleeps until I move. Hurray! And I'm actually getting to sleep. Unsurprisingly, and now that it's so close to moving day, the upstairs neighbours have shut the Hell up for the moment. Still and all, I am glad I'm shifting. The new flat was flooded with light on Saturday when I was round measuring up. I'm so looking forward to that.


More photies from Saturn's day...


I see I was supposed to ramble on about authorial intent vrs audience interpretation yesterday and...well...didn't. I shall, but I think that needs to be a journal of an evening, then copy to blogger bit.


Couple of Penny Arcade favourites.

You're so strong!

When animals attack...


Got my script today, or at least part of it. For the Torch Song Trilogy. I'm playing Ed in the International Stud, which I am told I will be good at. Not actually read the script yet, but I'm sure it's grand. I'd never heard of it, although it looks like you could describe it as canon. I swear, one of these day's I'm going to be audited and the Council will have my Gay Card off me so quick.

Anyway, I'm going to read tonight and see what I've let myself in for. Still really looking forward to it, though. I love acting. Let's Pretend for grown-ups!


Have a good one,



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