Thursday, December 14, 2006

Out of Date Bitching

Because I realise that almost everyone has had a go at people who SHOUT on their mobile phones in public places. Some silly bit- ahem - person on the bus this morning was absolutely roaring down the phone at someone else regarding something or other. Strangely, I wasn't insterested in the detail. It did occur to me, though, that it's so indicative of how seldom people can take someone else's point of view. I mean, whomever she was talking to was presumably not on a bus and could hear fine. It was the one who was doing all the shouting who had the hearing trouble, so did she need to shout? No. But the egocentric view is - I can't hear, therefore I will shout. Egocentrism, or at least rank stupidity, seems to be the carrying view these days.



I've been making the world a better place on behalf of others with Oxfam Unwrapped. I suggest you do the same. They have gifts right the way down to £6 only. Which is dirt cheap (and, actually, is for fertiliser, so you see how useful the metaphor is).

These things will make a real difference in people's lives, so if you're struggling for that little bitty thing for Aunt Maud, please consider it. Far better than bath salts and you still have time to order and receive (or have them sent direct) before Christmas. They send to you or to your nominated person a card and a cool little fridge magnet to represent your choice of gift, as well as a note explaining what the item(s) will do or achieve.

I don't know about you but the happy I'd get on knowing a small person in Africa had clean water to drink or some text books to read will last me all year - which is a lot longer than a selection box will!


Well, hey, if you were omnipotent, wouldn't you occasionally?


Way Cool dreams this morning. As well as one which gave me a nice idea for a story/book which has been duly written up (the idea, not the book - I'm not that good), I went for a flight on a jet fighter. It was wicked. Proper set me up for the day.


Have a good one,



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