Sunday, December 03, 2006


Gmail is down. It's like some horrible, horrible nightmare. And blogger want me to switch to the new google-run blogger. You can't make me! Change is baaaaad!

Blogger's joined up with Google and every time I log in, it wants me to change to their zippy new running template. But I have to log in my with google account I don't want to do that. I'm starting to come down on the 'google as creeping virus of information control side of things.


The new word thing I was talking about the other day? It is confirmed. I have found A Word which is in common usage around the world (the English speaking part of it obviously) which is not, I say not, listed in the Oxford English Dictionary - I used my lunchtime on Friday to go the central reference libary and check on the online version. Work is currently being pursued on the references to cite front and other such items. I am geek excited beyond the telling of it. Woop!


Today I am tired. Last night there was booze. Still, had a pleasant day, met Alexis and we went to the Canaletto exhibition which was excellent. Amazing stuff. And then hot chocolate in Plaisirs, all as planned.

Have I shown you these photos? Playing with shutter speed at the chairyplanes at the Scot Monument and the Big Wheel and other stuff.

And the black and white chappies above are what replaced this fella. On that wall on South College Street.


Coming soon we should have some awfy nice pictures. Edinburgh is all lit up at the moment. Buildings and domes in lovely colours, and I'm going to borrow James and Alexis' tripod and take lovely pictures of them.

...blogger doesn't seem to want to upload the example pic. Maybe there's a limit or something.


Have a good one,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wimp! You'd normally be jumping up and down shouting 'new toy, new toy.'

You're not missing much; it's still tetchy and refuses to upload photos.

It’s similar to Microsoft; its been released so that the public can identify the flaw’s in the system.

9:57 pm  

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