Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Take a note

I must admit to noting things down to tell my niece.

You see, I think for a lot of my life, I've been running on instincts. I feel more ordered these days. I usually know why I'm doing things. And have a vague and intermittent sense of purpose. But occasionally I think, "I do wish I'd known that earlier." Or at the very least paid attention when someone told me it. That last notwithstanding, I take at least a mental note of these thoughts to tell Evie. In case I catch her on a day when she's paying attention.

So, because at least one of you will now be wondering, today's thought is - everyone should strive to be a lady or a gentleman. Not in any huntin', shootin', fishin', he's got £50,000 a year, don'tcherknow lady or gentleman kind of way. Not at all.

I've come up with - grace, composure and style as my top three attributes.

What are yours?

Pretty pictures are up on Flickr from last night's adventure with James and Alexis' tripod. There's only six of them, but more to come of same dome view in the daytime. Took them today at lunchtime, but no cable here.


Secret Santa. What a good idea.


And, you know, he's got a point.


Have a good one,



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