Monday, November 27, 2006



Seem to have lost it. My bad.


I've started getting buses again. Not, I hasten to say, out of the lazy, but out of the busy. I'm still walking to work and back, which gets me two times half hour brisk walk a day, so I'm getting my exercise and all that. Thing of it is, the bus is that little bit quicker and I'm feeling so terribly rammed at the moment. And not actually achieving much.

Well, not strictly speaking true. I have started the new job, which continues well, but just because I'm kicking off well 9 to 5, that's no reason to get lazy on the evening projects.


New camera's working out well, though. I now know how to use nine of the buttons.


I'm actually writing this while hanging out round at Steve's (incidentally swanking about my new camera) so must trot.

Will do better!


Have a good one,



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