Monday, September 25, 2006

Pay attention

Everyone should practise some kind of art. It teaches you to pay attention. Or maybe those who pay attention become artists.

I was once graded on my ability to be a penguin, if you can believe that. Drama School. Not quite a tree, but it sounds so ridiculous - and I'm quite sure I looked at least reasonably daft. It wasn't entirely stupid, though.

We had to go to the zoo and watch the animals. I wasn't really graded on my ability in stiffly waving my arms, with my head tipped backwards, but on the preparation for stiffly waving my arms, with my head tipped bakcwards. And the preparation was, pretty much, paying attention. When I stop to think about, just about the entire course was predicated on paying attention. Pay attention and think. Everyone should practise some kind of art because everyone should be paying attention.

For tritness - how many beautiful or amazing things did you pass on the way to work - and how many did you pay attention to?

For a case in point...


...check out this guy!

Is he not cool?

He hangs out on a wall on South College Street.


The weekend was pleasant - my grandest achievement was, however, cleaning the flat. So nice to have one's surfaces clear...for ten minutes or so, anyway.

Have a good one,



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