Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Less than...

...fully motivated today. Being bitched at for things that I am in the very middle of and if I could just be Left Alone, I'd complete. And everyone could stop bitching.

So, my logic leads me to skive off and blog for a bit.


Somewhat out of the habit of blogging, as you may have noticed, and it does make a bit of a difference to how I think about things. For a while there everything could be tweaked into a blog entry. New toy feelings, obviously, but it was definitely doing me some good. Nice to have some structure to hang your thinking up on - especially when you have such a busy little brain as mine. It tends towards tangents, though, so the focus on here is helpful.

Which is my rambling way of assuring any one interested in my blethering on that I do intend to pick it up properly soon. I have a new laptop and everything. Well, new to me, anyway.


Check this out - I have a new coo, hand-painted by the lovely Alice. How COOL is THAT?

Obviously, it's an exact level of cool with the other coo that I got from Gregor and Caroline, but still, all three of these people are now soaring ahead in the cool and groovy points, not that I wasn't spoiled rotten by all and sundry. Who on Earth could ever think 30 is a bad birthday, I do not know. They clearly do not have such lovely friends and family as me.

She even made up her own pun - Legen-Dairy Cow. There are some centaurs on the back, but I didn't get a photo of them.


Autumn time for definite. Actually, I think we're edging into winter. It's awfy chilly, but the trees are looking pretty...

Cool lamp as well, innit? Very art deco looking malarkey in Princes Street Gardens. And I'm pretty sure that's Sir James Young Simpson up in the top corner. I'll have to check that one, though, as I could be wrong.

What? It's been known to happen. I'm not entirely perfect. Close, but not entirely.


Have a good one,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

er…so are you going to turn the coo around and take a picture of the other side tomorrow? She’s very talented – and I’m glad you’ve started to admit you’re not perfect, acknowledgement being the first step and all.

8:48 am  
Blogger Hamish MacDonald said...

Why do other people's cameraphones take better pictures than mine, regardless of how good the one I get is supposed to be?

And why am I such a crap photographer? I can write, act, sing, draw... but not take good pictures. This, I readily acknowledge, goes beyond the equipment.

4:06 pm  

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