Friday, September 07, 2007

Swallowed a f*ckin' dictionary, did ye?

Heard this a lot at school. Along with, after I'd provided a simpler way of saying whatever I'd said, "Why did ye no jist f*ckin' say that, then?"

As if anyone who talks at the rate I do - and when I was a kid, I spoke even faster - could have time to select the words he uses. Why is all this of interest?

Well, I do the writing, as most of you are aware. Just at the moment I'm writing a couple of information publications at work with the concomitant Plain English rules. There's house guidelines for style, too (mine is too chatty - surprise!). All this leads me to various thoughts on the purpose of language. Dumbing Down versus Easily Accessible. And did you know that the average reading age in the UK is, according to which study you believe, between 9 and 12? As in, the level most people in the UK read at is what you would expect from an educated 9 year old? That's personally terrifying.

Anyway - back to the point, or rather the ramble. I'm wondering about communication, target audiences, felicity of style, that kind of thing. My brain doesn't sit still so I need to have some kind of internal guide as to where things are going, otherwise every project leads to six more. Not necessarily a bad thing if I could close out the one before moving to the six.


Couple more fireworks shots are up. I like this one for the foreground - bits and chunks of the crowd lit by their own lights.

Lights to the fore and the back


I got an evening to myself last night! And a whole weekend of the same ahead. *happy sigh*

It has been So Long since I got some proper time to myself. I didn't realise how crazy it would make me. I do have a room to go to, but my being in it doesn't stop Mum or Dad shouting for me whenever they need a hand for something, which is often, as I'm there. I think they have the same mindset on me staying as when I visit once a week. "While Christopher's here...

Only, I'm *always* there, evenings and weekends so I'm spending a lot of time being interrupted. This is not a new whine,I know, but it's a happy one as I'm actually getting some peace for a while. Maybe that'll calm my brain down a little bit.


Nihil obstat,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I acknowledge that your literacy skills are exceptionally high,I would suggest that your numeracy skills could use some work, particularly with reference to what 'average' means: it doesn't actually mean 'most', so the picture is not necessarily as depressing as you are painting it.

7:25 pm  
Blogger Chris said...

Not necessarily, no. Have you met most people?


8:53 am  

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