Monday, August 27, 2007

Blogger Videos!

Better get my software together on the animations - then I can show y'all the Wonderful World of Squashies.


In the meantime, after much churlish lip-pouting from me, and not a little "lots of people would give their eye-teeth to be here" thinking, I got some great shots of street performers on the Royal Mile. Heartily enjoyed their show and tipped them a fiver. I'm a big believer in tipping buskers - I like the idea of people entertaining us as we walk around. These two got a fiver as they entertained me for 45 minutes. They were far superior to Phil Kay, on Saturday which cost eleven quid. Bad pick from me and Steve. He used to be funny, you know.


More shots on Flickr, as usual. I has triptychs.


Tekkonkinkreet was awesome! Beautiful, shocking and thought-provoking. It did get tied up in a neat little bundle with good or light winning out over bad or darkness. Not without a lot of blood and guts, though.

Going still-hunting today as the environments were just dandy. I think the most impressive thing about it (of many) was the sound and volume levels. It managed to hover at that harassing-for-effect-without-being-biologically-offensive-to-ears level. Nice definition, eh? *laughter*

One of the main characters was 'touched' - and I use the word advisedly. I used to work at a Playscheme for the Handicapped and I remember very well the way some kids just never learned to moderate volume. Use of that communicated a lot of character and really brought you into those interacting with him's viewpoint.


Busy week ahead. Much to achieve on a personal level. Work is work, as it always is. STILL checking feckin' web-links!


Nihil obstat,



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