Monday, September 10, 2007

Better. Much better.

Oh, my goodness me. Chrises really really need the downtime on occasion. Can't tell you how much more calm and relaxed a bunny I am having had some time to myself over the weekend. Sister was down on Saturday to use th internets, and we went for a walk down the harbour (results on flickr) but other than that I kind of mooched around. Read a bit, watched some DVDs, lay in the garden trying to go from pale blue to white. And, yes - SPF factor 25. Momma didn't raise no fool. Freckled, but not foolish.


The garden is still hanging on to some lovely flowers, and you would not believe the size of the spiders! I got pics, but they're not up yet. Had forgotten them.




Also did some plasticines which are cool but not photographed as I let my battery die. It's charging. Oh. Damn. So it is. I hope they don't fry from being overcharged. Anyhoo - plasticines will be up this evening, I expect. Got a dragon anna lizard.


Ok, so just because I had a relaxing evening does not mean I am not crazy busy still. Got GP profile to write for AGCAS (work - getting paid - hurrah!). Got event to run on Wednesday for Management School (work done - getting paid - hurrah!). Got workshops to design and run for Luvviebabies (work - not getting paid, but fun so - hurrah (no exclamation point)).


Nihil obstat,



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