Thursday, May 03, 2007

Well, finally!

Work have finally come through with approval on a trip. Hurrah! Heading down to London to visit Herbert Smith LLP for the day, which should be interesting. And, as it's a Thursday I'm hopefully going to take the Friday off and spend weekend down in the big smoke. Always providing there's no niggling over booking flight back on Sunday / Monday instead of Thursday evening. Might look at train ticket coming back on the Monday if not.

I've missed the wee trips, though. Not as shiny as personal travel, but hey - you have to pay for that personally, don't you?



Thursday already and where does the week go? I have achieved almost nothing of my to do list so far.

Mirror remains unhung. MDF sheets remain unpainted and are still not blackboards. Photo magazines have been filed and referenced, though. And I've got plans for cupboard / animation studio done, if a bit sketchily.

And I've finished off the plasticine animal. It's no good. Well, that's not true. It's fine, it's just not good enough. But he (oh - I didn't know he was a he) isn't getting squished. I need him for scale and such. It's a process, after all. Making him first time round taught me to start from the body, rather than the feet.

Haven't learned any lines for play yet, but I think Small Jen might make good on her threats of actual bodily harm if I don't get that done soon. Better bump it up the list a bit.



Visit Bessie tonight and then go round to Laura's for a bit. Get her chat as haven't seen her in a while.


Can I ask when we stopped covering our mouths when we yawn? I went into the shop at lunch to grab some ham and, walking to the back of the queue, not less than four people yawned right in my face. How Desperately Rude. Honestly, where the F*CK did manners go? If your hands are full, at least tuck your head down towards your shoulder. I do not wish to get a good look at the back of your throat, thank you oh so very much.


Stick in,



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