Thursday, December 21, 2006

Our brains want to be happy

It's true. I'm sure a great many of you know that laughter is infectious. Interestingly, though, it's not just laughter - in general, most 'active' sounds like laughter or vomiting cause our brains to initiate the same processes which would happen were we laughing or vomiting BUT they respond far more strongly to positive rather than negative stimuli. So hearing someone being sick makes us feel a bit queasy, but we don't actually vomit, but hearing someone laugh can almost always make us smile.

So - our brains want to be happy. I personally vote for letting them.


Over-hearty exclamation marks bug me.

It's not multiple punctuation, which is abhorrent enough!!! Ack! Pth! What I mean is when someone is making comment in an email which they're pretty sure will bug the person on receipt. So they stick an exclamation mark at the end. It's the written equivalent of a hearty slap on the back - "don't mean it, old chum!"

Yes, you bloody do and I'd prefer you had the balls to just say so, thanks oh so very much.

Look, it's not my fault - it's the reading. Thousands of books and hundreds of plays have passed in front of these eyes, so are you surprised that I occasionally obsess on punctuation marks and turns of phrase?


Only one more day at work. One more! And we're hoping like Hell it'll be a short one. I've been told that we generally get shushed out of the door at around three o' clock. On holiday - such bliss!


I haven't decorated the flat. And this is why. Also -



I had my faith in humanity restored last night. I was waiting for the bus outside Steve-O's house, heading home, and a little lad - can't have been more than eleven (although still just as tall as me!) - stopped and offered me his daysaver for the bus. It was dark, cold, windy and, to be frank, not the best of areas. I was quite stunned at such a small gesture, but one rarely runs across genuine altruism these days and especially not in one so young.

Piles of positive karma due to the lad.


Have a good one,



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