Monday, October 16, 2006


Seriously - does no-one reply to invites any more? It's my birthday party on Friday (yes, I know, what a surprise, Chris, you've never mentioned that before! Sue me. I like my birthday.) and I've invited a whoooooole bunch of people, about four of whom have written back to say, "Yes, I'm coming."

I neither blame nor bitch at any one as it's clearly endemic to sociable society of the moment, but still. I could pout, you know. I really could. If I wasn't so damn sure of myself, I'd worry about having no pals...


Weekend was very nice. Went through to Glasgow to the Scottish Ballet at their new home in the Tramway. Hadn't been to the Tramway since I was about fourteen - I'd forgotten how cool a space it is. There are many stairways leading up to the seating banks and the whole space has been kept cavernous but doesn't seem echoing or too big.

The ballet itself was awesome. (And, please - everyone else over-uses that word. When I use it I mean my jaw was on the floor.) They kep the wings open, which always really opens the playing space up, but it really suited this as dancer were going off one side and coming back on from the other, mixing and matching, making different pairs and groups. And only £12 a seat. That's less than half what you'd pay for something comparable at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh. (Unless you're on the artsworkers mailing list and get cheap tickets that is. *smug.)


Caught the Callum Innes exhibition at the Fruitmarket Gallery with Alexis on Saturday. Good stuff. Putting paint on and then taking it off with turpentine. Some very nice pieces. Intricately done, but you can see why he's so prolific. It's not exactly a technically challenging way of working. Got me thinking about intent and the role of such in creating art as opposed to accident.





Brought my data cable today. I've been playing with the 'negative' function on my camera. S'cool. Blogger is being pissy about photos again, so this seems to be all you're getting for today!


Have a good one,



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