Friday, October 06, 2006

Writing things down

Why is it that writing it down punctures illusions?

When you start to form it, I suppose. Because chat, as Eddie Izzard will tell you, is 90% how you look, 20% how you sound and only 10% what you say. (No, I haven't checked my numbers so please don't correct me). Text is much more stark. You can run into problems with emails, say. You think it's a straightforward statement - the other fella takes it as a declaration of war.

So it's funny. All the small justifications - the little 'wells' and 'you knows'. The cunning laughter and misdirections. They all desert you and arguments that are pretty much excessive overthinking (at least on my part - usually) and an innate capacity to dither start looking a bit lonely when you write them down.

This could be why the women with whom I regularly correspond are such ball breakers.

You know who are you.

*cackles shamelessly*


The ballet was good - very smooth, very oceanic in its imagery, I thought. We'll see how the Scottish Ballet does next week. Going bowling tonight - hurray (s'been ages) - and hopefully managing to introduce old friends to new friends. Could be a logistical nightmare, but we should all be in the same area at the same time.


Have a good one,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You shouldn't cackle dear, it doesn't become your man-about-town nature.

11:37 pm  

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