Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Beginning with... photos as my head has gone empty. I knew it was a mistake to miss days. I was quite ticked about missing out both Friday and Monday. Monday wasn't my fault - I was going to use the internet cafe near the flat, only that's now shut. Poop. OK, yes, I could have come back into town and used Easy Internet or whatever the Hell it's called, but it was raining.


I like these. Pics of lights what have been written on on the underpass between Bristo Square and South College Street. Darkening the pic enough to catch the writing gave this lovely floating effect...


S'my fault the weather's turned crappy. I was flicking through the Times Style magazine on Sunday and reiterated an opinion (in my own head - but Karma's always listening) that I was bored with the summer styles and where was Autumn so I could wear pretty scarves? Well, here Autum comes...


Busy Boy this week. Work's kicking off - got to get the new E-Bulletin (writer - yours truly) out today. BIG audience. Thousands of GP trainees all reading my words. Well, maybe reading is a bit strong. Glancing over, deciding to read later and then filing somewhere to forget about it. It is an information resource, after all, and that's the fate of all information resources. File, forget about.


My Da's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Pops! I'm being the Golden Child and taking himself and my mother along to the Mueck exhibition on Saturday. Mueck till midnight - art and cocktails, what more could you want?


Better mosey - get all that work I just mentioned done.

Have a good one,



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