Friday, September 22, 2006

Simple Pleasures

Got to my bed by pumpkin time last night. Not earth-shattering in and of itself, but;

I got some food in,
made dinner,
watched a movie,
did the dishes,
- knocked off to bed,
feeling pleasantly sleepy.

Not earth-shattering stuff, but an evening, pleasantly filled and then sleepy at bedtime is really quite lovely. A simple pleasure.


The movie was Right Guid. Timur Bekmambetov's Night Watch - adapated from the original books by Russian writer Sergey Lukyanenko. It only cost $4 million (only 4 million - starving children in Africa and all that, but still...) and it's shot on an epic scale.

Quick synopsis is your basic Dark and Light at war. Vampires and werewolves and witches and things, which I do realise isn't everybody's thing. Everybody watched Lord of the Rings, though, eh?

It's shot on a very visceral scale - the bit where the vampire guy stuck scissors through the seer guy's wrist and used them to twist his arm back had me hiding behind my cushion. There's some moral stuff going on in there, too (surprise - fantasy authors always have a moral or philosphical axe to grind) with the Nightwatch (forces of Light) licensing those in the Daywatch (forces of Dark). If you license a vampire to bite someone, you're better than the vampire because...?

The other very exciting thing is the writer, Mr Lukyanenko, seems to be quite prolific. Begin the hunt for translated work.


It is FRIDAY! Hurrah for that. Not only that, it is the Friday before payday. One more weekend to get through before lovely money becomes, once more, a part of my pocket. *laughter*

Have a good one,



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