Wednesday, September 20, 2006


My boss didn't know what *this* was, you know. I reply, "Emoticons."

"What are those?"

"You know. e-*MOTE*-icons?"

No, she did not know.


Chatting to Elizabeth yesterday, about the blog. She was telling me that it's like getting me in stereo - all Chris, all the time, as she put it. She's an internet buddy, is Elizabeth, which isn't her RL name. It's an interesting way to get to know someone - textually. She and I have never spoken, never met, each only saw a photo of the other a couple of years after we 'met' - I only learned her true name about six months ago. (I'm one of the few who actually uses his name as a netname). Sometimes, though, I think I know her - and that she knows me - a lot better than some friends I see all the time. When all you have is text, you tend to communicate more.

Obviously, Elizabeth knows what *this* means.


I have no explanation for these. I was amusing myself:


Have a good one,



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