Thursday, September 21, 2006



Well, I had nominated myself for the Staff Association Committee. Didn't get in. Darn. Only properly annoying thing about it was that I was going to apply to the Children's Panel - which is part of the justice system for kids in Scotland, with the kids' welfare as more of a priority than punishment for any offense committed. I've missed recruitment now, though, as I thought it probably not the best idea to be signing up for both that and the SAC at the same time. Still, means my feet are clear for the next time they're looking to recruit.


Patrick introduced me to a new comic. Haven't found the evil orange bunny yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


The Artsworkers E-Bulletin I get is kicking back in with the offers again - after a long hiatus over the summer. Festival really puts a crimp in the cheap theatre offers. Off to the Zurich Ballet on 5th October with my Mum and the small Jenni so far. Anyone else wants to come along, drop a line. £5 a ticket, which is Not Bad At All. Absolutely desperate to go and see Allan Bennet's History Boys, but not sure I can afford the tickets. We shall have to see - there are waaay too many birthdays going on next month and, as I am being So Ridiculously Spoiled (being taken to Florence for a start), I'll have to conjure marvellous gifts for all.

Not that I wouldn't be doing that, anyway. I genuinly believe in the 'better to give than receive' malarkey. I love giving people things - get a wee happy from their happy!

Never know what to get my Dad, but he's actually providing useful answers to the, "What do you want?" question these days. Amazingly. Brother still sucks at providing any useful information on sister-in-law's wants, though, and she's faaaar too polite about it. I can relate, though - positively detest telling people what I want. Feels too much like instruction. "Buy me this." *shudders*


Have a good one,



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