Friday, September 08, 2006

Dre-e-e-e-eam, dream, dream, dreeee-eam


So, my sleep pattern's shifted - it must have done because, for the first time in ages, I'm remembering my dreams and, let me tell you, there is some freaky stuff going on in my head. This week we have had your bog-standard flying dream, we had winning a competition to take over XFM Scotland for the morning and when I showed up there was no-one there. Wish I could remember the tunes I played, though - they were wicked - right up until the time Dr Fox intervened. (And what the Hell he's doing in my head, I shudder to think) We also had some weirdness to do with me having extremely long, curly hair (that one's easy explained - I am in dire need of a haircut. My fringe is starting to do that Farah Fawcett flick). This morning's really takes the Big Biscuit, though:

I was in a big barn type thing which was, at one and the same time, on a farm and in the middle of suburbia. Inside this barn, two clans of sharply dressed vampires cum sorcerors cum fairies with swords and guns were fighting it out in a Matrix/Underworld/Tad Williams' War of the Flowers type way. Sometimes I was on one side, sometimes the other, sometimes both were trying to hunt me down. I won, of course - it was an excellent way to start the day - I heartily recommend it.


Started a new tale last night. I'm not calling it a story, as I'm hoping it'll be something a little longer than that implies. I've had this image in my head for ages of an entire world dedicated to play. Words like avatar, cyborg, sorcery, points and levelling are all bouncing round my head and I'm not sure how it's all going to work out. When I write, I tend to start and then plough straight through to the finish (which is probably why I usually produce shorter stuff) so I'm not entirely clear on where 'The Playground' is going. At the moment it seems to be a member of a Creator race being villified by his compatriots for creating such a pointless waste of time. He's pretty sure the humans will like it, though. We'll see how it goes.

I'm usually quite a play-to-my-strengths kind of guy and, should it work out that short stories are my oeuvre, I'll go with that, but every writer wants to go for a book, don't they? I have this sneaking suspicion that my writing will follow the rest of my life - it's either one extreme or another. As far as story-telling goes I suspect it'll either be short stories or epic-length. That could be a hope rather than a suspicion, though.


I'm an avid pedestrian. Failed my driving test twice *pauses for derisory laughter on reader's part* and then moved into central Edinburgh where a car is more of a hindrance than a help, so I never got round to sitting it again. I also have Views on pollutants and being too lazy to walk five minutes to get to the shop so we can assume I'm a bit biased when it comes to driving and drivers, BUT I really would like to skewer those buggers who only feel it necessary to use their indicators when there are other cars about. Pedestrians don't need to know that the car is going to make a turn into the road the pedestrian is crossing, after all. It would be all right to kill these people, wouldn't it?

No? Not even if I hid the bodies really well?



I've been reading Neil Gaiman's online journal for a while (very entertaining - and they're making a film of Stardust *excitement*) but I only recently discovered the site's exclusive content yesterday. Go look if you're a fan - or even if you're not, because you bloody well should be. Man's a genius.

Have a good one,



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