Monday, September 11, 2006

You never have to look far...

...for perspective.

Some of my words to live by. (and of course, I gave her a couple of quid once I'd taken the photo)


Which, I recognise, isn't the cheeriest way to kick off a Monday, so let me assure you that I did, in fact have a lovely weekend.

Hung out with the New Circle on Friday night which was a laugh. Played yon Buzz game at which, unfortunatley, I got bitch-slapped. It's not that I'm competitive, you understand - it's just that I Have to Win! #laughter#


Alexis and James were round for dinner on Saturday - party in celebration of Alexis getting a new job. Woop! Hurray! General sounds of merriment!

Alexis has decided what I shall be wearing to her wedding! I am to be her Man of Honour (very progressive, innit?) and, as I am fast friends with both her and her hubby to be, James, not to mention that fact that I'll be wearing a kilt, as will the groom's party, there was some consternation about how to make sure everyone would know I was hers on that particular day.
Her Mum, the lovely Rita, came up with a lovely plan. I'm going to look so pretty! (But not prettier than James, obviously. Like the bride, it Does not Do to outshine the Groom.)

Alexis' soon-to-be maiden name is Stewart and her brother and Dad will be wearing the Hunting - both Modern and Ancient. Alexis herself will be wearing white, which shade (shade? of white?) has yet to be decided, but definitely white. With some red in. Which lends itself ideally to the Royal Stewart for me. Kilt and (here's where it gets clever) the big sash malarkey that wraps up, round and down.

Wonder how the Best Man is going to feel about joining into the first dance with another bloke?
Sunday was spent charging round town getting the Pub Crawl route together for Tuesday night. I run this every year for my old work at Edinburgh University. Always fun. I was struck, as I am on a daily basis, by how beautiful a city I live in. I'm very lucky. I was going to share some lovely photos, but Blogger is being a nippy b*tch today, for some reason. Maybe tomorrow...
Have a good one,


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